3/11/23 – Samoa Bridges – AdoptAHighway

Pacout Green Team / 3/11/23 – Samoa Bridges – AdoptAHighway

3/11/23 – Samoa Bridges – AdoptAHighway

This weeks cleanup we will be focusing the three bridges going from Eureka to Samoa, that is our Adopt-A-Highway.
NOTE: We will meet at in the first parking lot on the Left on Woodly Island at 8:45am. Leaving Eureka – take the first exit after you go over the first bridge and head to the Woodly Island Marina.
We after checking in, you will be given a bucket or bag and then people can head to a safe place to park along the 3 bridges and start cleaning it up.
The cleanup will be from 9:00am to 10:00am. All garbage will be left in bags along the highway for CalTrans to pick up.
Due to safety concerns we will not be taking a group picture at the end of the cleanup, however we will be taking lots of pictures during the cleanup.
We look forward to seeing everyone there! Tell your friends, share the link and show some love!


Category: ,
Location: Samoa Bridges - Woodley Island Parking Lot A
Date: March 11, 2023
Duration: 1 Day