3/13/18 Post Cleanup Report Samoa Beach Bay St
What a great morning out at Samoa Beach Bay St area! 17 awesome volunteers came out to help and recovered around 550 lb. of trash in under 60 minutes! Great job everyone! The weather was perfect other than a quick shower that passed through. The beach was full of the usual fire pits right at the edge of the parking area where people bring pallets to burn instead of firewood. The pallets are full of small nails that are left behind after the parties are over to become a hazard for barefoot people and pets. There was also leftover cans, bottles and various packaging along the beach, around the parking area and along the roadsides. In addition to the Bay St. area a few people went to Vance Ave, a popular illegal dumping area located near the bridge on the Samoa side of the bay. There was a lot of household garbage and a huge tv that had been thrown from the back of a truck judging by it’s smashed up condition. Another highlight was having one of our volunteers rescue a badly injured small shorebird. The bird was picked up by a local wildlife rescue group and transported to their facility where hopefully it can be treated, rehabilitated and eventually returned to the wild.
Big thanks to Mike and Bau for sponsoring this event and to all of the volunteers who participated!