
Pacout Green Team / PacOut Green Team News  / Humboldt Distillery donated 3 bottles and 10 buckets to PacOut Green Team!

Humboldt Distillery donated 3 bottles and 10 buckets to PacOut Green Team!

Humboldt Distillery kindly contacted us to contribute bottles of their superb spirits and 10 buckets for PacOut Green Team. Thanks to Humboldt Distillery, we now have fantastic 21+ prizes to offer at this Saturday’s Eureka Trash Bash! Our bucket supply was getting low, so a big thank you for the new buckets as well! Let’s give a round of applause for Humboldt Distillery!

Being volunteer ran, we are always looks for donations towards cleanup supplies or small denomination gift cards for our weekly raffle. If you would like to donate, please email us at 

Check out all the people, organizations and businesses that have contributed to our cause on our SPONSOR PAGE

Let’s show our support to the individuals, groups, and businesses that stand by our community!