1/11/2025 – SPECIAL CLEANUP – HWY 255 – Just South of Manila

Pacout Green Team / 1/11/2025 – SPECIAL CLEANUP – HWY 255 – Just South of Manila

1/11/2025 – SPECIAL CLEANUP – HWY 255 – Just South of Manila



The location is located on the East side of HWY 255 along the shore of Humboldt Bay, just South of Manila. See map below for details.

Parking will be on the West side of HWY 255, just North of the cleanup location. BE SAFE. Park off the shoulder of HWY 255. Leave yourself plenty of room between your car and the HWY. We will have a designated person with a yellow vest and orange flag to get people accross HWY 255.

Cleanup Area:
We are focusing on a couple abandoned homeless camps. These camps have been abandoned for some time now and we need to pick up the trash before it makes its way to Humboldt Bay. This area will be maintained after it gets picked up! We just need your help. A dumpster will be at the cleanup site.

Event Schedule:
You will park on the West side of HWY 255, just North of the cleanup site. You will see our PacOut Green Team truck and trailer. You will check in at 8:45 am to sign in. We will then get you accross the HWY and the cleanup will commence at 9:00 am and end at 10:00 am. We will gather for a group photo and raffle at 9:45 am.

Huge THANK YOU to Real Deal Removal & Hauling for donating the dumpster for the cleanup! Suport the People, Businesses and Organizations that support our CommUnity!

We are also seeking donations for raffle items to reward our incredible volunteers. If you’re interested in contributing, we’re looking for small-dollar items and gift cards ($10-$20 value). Email us at PacOutGreenTeam@gmail.com

Tell your friends, share the link, and show your support. We can’t wait to see you there!

We look forward to seeing everyone there! Tell your friends, share the link and show some love!


Category: ,
Location: HWY 255 Just South of Manila on the East side of the road.
Date: January 11, 2025
Duration: 1 Day