
Pacout Green Team / Post Cleanup Reports  / 7/30/17 Post Cleanup Report Vance Ave.

7/30/17 Post Cleanup Report Vance Ave.

We had a great turn out of around 20 volunteers ready to take on the roadside litter and illegal dumps along Vance Ave. on Saturday. We found appliances, pallets, bottles, cans, and lots and lots of cigarette butts. The total weight for the day was 750 lb. This was also Honest Ted’s last cleanup with us. Ted could always be counted on to show up at the end of each event with a truck load of trash to add to the day’s haul. We will miss Ted a lot!

Thanks to all who came out to help and to Pacific Choice Seafoods  for sponsoring the event! 

Pacific Choice Seafoods Shellfish Division crew.