Post Cleanup Reports

Pacout Green Team / Post Cleanup Reports

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] A Successful Cleanup Day at Herrick Park'N'Ride and Eureka Waterfront Trail It was a successful cleanup on a beautiful, warm morning. By 9 am, the heat had us all perspiring. We discovered various areas littered with trash, cleaned up abandoned camps, and assisted other homeless individuals in tidying around their camps with their guidance. The PacOut...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] There are numerous positive developments occurring at Carlson Park, and once completed, it will be an incredible park. The ongoing efforts are aimed at increasing community utilization and reducing litter. When you're at Giuntoli next time, be sure to visit. Our focus was on the park and the adjacent streets, where we collaborated with the...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] On a lovely Saturday morning on South G Street near the Arcata Marsh, our cleanup event was in full swing. Simultaneously, the Arcata Marsh was hosting their own workday focused on removing invasive species and restoration. Apart from tending to the Arcata Marsh, our efforts extended to cleaning the roadside along South G Street up...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Another successful cleanup was completed along our Adopt-A-Highway route near the three bridges leading to Samoa. Various small pieces of litter, such as items tossed from car windows, blown from truck beds, or dropped by garbage trucks, were collected. It is essential to retrieve this debris to prevent it from reaching the bay and being...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] A Successful 60 Minute Cleanup along the Hikshari Trail section of the Eureka Waterfront Trail! We were concerned about the possibility of rain during the cleanup, but fortunately, the weather held up! Despite a smaller turnout than usual due to the weather, the dedicated volunteers who did attend were not discouraged. Our focus was on clearing...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] We collected various items from "Free" piles. Once again, kindly consider donating these items to thrift stores or disposing of them properly at the dump. Items left in "Free Piles" are vulnerable to weather conditions and often deteriorate, becoming unsightly. Homeless individuals may search through them, leading to us having to remove them from sensitive...