
Pacout Green Team / Post Cleanup Reports  / 11/19/17 Post Cleanup Report Samoa Beach Power Poles

11/19/17 Post Cleanup Report Samoa Beach Power Poles

Another great cleanup at Power Poles on Saturday, 11/18/17! We had 13 awesome volunteers and we picked up 860 lb. of trash from Power Poles and Vance Ave.! Big shout out to Lost Coast Rotaract-Eureka for sponsoring the event! We found a lot of stuff on Vance Ave. again, ranging from furniture to a large plastic drum partially filled with used motor oil. The illegal dumping along Vance Ave. is getting worse!  We hope to address some solutions to this problem in our next board meeting. There was also a lot of litter along New Navy Base Rd in the Power Poles area. 

Big thanks to all who came out to help and to Lost Coast Rotaract-Eureka for sponsoring the event!