12/16/17 POST CLEANUP Lake Mendocino North Boat Ramp
We had another great day and finally came full circle with our return to the North Boat Ramp. Our first time we here we had 46 people and this time we had just 12 but those 12 have been to so many cleanups they’ve got Pac Out Green Team in their blood! In 60 short minutes we managed to clear out 360 lbs and a couch that someone dumped at a turnout on the way to the lake.
The lake is looking better and better with every cleanup! The crews at the lake have been very busy cutting trees, clearing brush and maintaining the grounds. This should be a beautiful place to bring the family come spring! It’s very exciting to see all the progress that we as a community have been making in getting this lake turned around. Still a ways to go but we seem to be on the right track.
The pile started out with some treasures from River Road between Ukiah and Hopland. Some Pac Out Green Teamers noticed a bunch of trash during the week and stopped to grab it! Way to live the life!
Look how great this looks with all the brush cleared out!
LOVE the outfit Mo! On her way to the Santa Stomp after some Green Team cleanup!
Skyler found a great Popper bass top water lure!
A Fit Bit!
If you’re wondering what this is, it’s a center consul/engine cover from an old van. Those don’t just fall out!
Skyler and his buddies! Looks like he’s herding them back with those pickers!
Nothin but the Die Hard’s!
Big Rock for the win! Got this couch loaded and dumped.