
Pacout Green Team / Post Cleanup Reports  / 1/13/18 POST CLEANUP Report Talmage East

1/13/18 POST CLEANUP Report Talmage East

16 people showed up for another challenging cleanup! We managed to clear out 1,580 lbs in just 60 minutes! We found enough car parts to build a car, found a couch divided up in two separate locations and a stuffed dog that weighed a ton! Three new people showed up and had a great time, I sure hope they come back for more!

I think we should start naming these stuffed animals. This one is Spot!

Getting started Morgan from LACO brought his daughter out. LACO just became our GREENEST sponsor in both counties! THANK YOU LACO!!!

… and they’re off!

Found the honey pot just beyond that SBMC sign!

A cool shot of gross stuff

Shoveling years of garbage, with smiles and laughter

The growing pile

Thanks Morgan, Molly and LACO!