
Pacout Green Team / Post Cleanup Reports  / 3/24/18 POST CLEANUP Riverside Park

3/24/18 POST CLEANUP Riverside Park

Yes we beat the rain AGAIN! I can’t believe how lucky we have been every time. Although it was very wet and muddy. This was one of six cleanups sponsored by John McCowen our 2nd District Supervisor for the County of Mendocino. We had an amazing turnout with both local Rotary clubs participating to honor Cleaning the Rivers of the World. Today with a crew of 29 volunteers we managed to clear out out second largest haul yet totaling 2,140 pounds of trash and 13 tires! Add the 560 lbs that came out of Low Gap and Old River Road this week and we totaled out at 2,700 lbs!!! What was amazing is how old most of this stuff was. Which means we all feel great about the likelihood of returning and NOT finding it looking like this again. As always the city of Ukiah does a great job keeping the pathways clean and clear. In order for us to find this stuff we had to dig and search.

THANK YOU John McCowen for Sponsoring this event!