4/28/18 Post Cleanup Report Scenic Drive Trinidad
Despite the rainy weather 18 people came out to help PacOut Green Team cleanup around Scenic Drive in Trinidad. This event was sponsored by Trinidad Coastal Land Trust, who’s members made up over half of the volunteers at the event. Big shout out to them for their continued support of PacOut Green Team, all they do for the community in the Trinidad area and for their commitment to stewardship of the beaches, trails and even the roadsides in the area. We recovered a little over 900 lb. of trash in under 60 minutes! Items recovered included a wet mattress, lots of styrofoam cups (like the ones the casino uses for coffee and near the casino in both directions on Scenic drive) several syringes 4 tires, and lots of household trash and wet clothing from a couple of small abandoned illegal camp sites. We found one large active illegal camp by the southbound on ramp across from Murphy’s Mart, which we left alone as per our policy on active camps. Scenic drive is a lot cleaner for our efforts and we’re proud of everyone who came out in the rain to lend a hand!
Great job everyone and we hope to see y’all next Saturday at the Samoa Boat Ramp!