
Pacout Green Team / Post Cleanup Reports  / Post Cleanup Report Herrick Ave/Elk River Rd with LACO

Post Cleanup Report Herrick Ave/Elk River Rd with LACO

PacOut Green Team was out at the Herrick Ave/Elk River Rd area of south Eureka for another 60 min. cleanup! A group of 13 volunteers came out to help clean along the roadsides, the parking area on the east side of Hwy 101, and the Park and Ride parking area on the west side of Hwy 101 at the Herrick Ave. exit. An estimated 250 lb. was recovered and disposed of properly. Items recovered included a tire and wheel, 2 syringes, 3 cds, a large plastic tote, lots of single use convenience packaging, some recyclable items like cans and bottles and hundreds of cigarette butts that were carelessly tossed out at the park and ride lot. Thanks to all who came out to help and to LACO for sponsoring the event! Also, thanks to the City of Eureka for providing a dumpster! 

Great job everyone! Don’t forget to come out to Mad River Beach next week for a chance to win big in our extra special raffle after the event!