
Pacout Green Team / Post Cleanup Reports  / 8/5/18 Post Cleanup Report Herrick Ave./Elk River Rd

8/5/18 Post Cleanup Report Herrick Ave./Elk River Rd

PacOut Green Team was out at Herrick Ave./Elk River Rd. with a great turn out of volunteers ready to remove as much trash as possible in 60 min.! Big thanks to LACO and HealthSPORT Eureka for sponsoring and providing volunteers at the event. We couldn’t do what we do without our sponsors and volunteers! We estimate a total of 1500 lb. of trash removed mostly from the abandoned homeless camps near the southern end of the Hiksari Trail. Due to the distance involved the team had to use wheel barrows and a pickup truck stationed near the old railroad tracks to get the large amount of trash, including some rather heavy and bulky items like an old beefed up bike trailer, bike frames, etc. back to the dumpster we had staged at the park and ride. 

Great job everyone! 

Don’t forget to join us next week for a special 90 min. cleanup of our Adopt a Highway stretch of SR 255 that crosses Humboldt Bay. Samoa Bridges 90 min. Special Event