8/25/18 Post Cleaup Report Scenic Drive
PacOut Green Team and Trinidad Coastal Land Trust teamed up with 15 volunteers to keep the “scenic” in Scenic Drive on Saturday, 8/25. The group was able to remove 560 lb. from the roadsides, turnouts and abandoned illegal camps in the area. Trash recovered included 5 tires, a 5 gal. propane tank, several bags of clothing, some car parts, a coffee maker w/o the pot, a portable compressor, and several used syringes. What a great way to start off a Saturday!
Great job everyone! Huge shout out to Trinidad Coastal Land Trust for the ongoing support of PacOut Green Team and all they do to maintain the beaches and trails along the beautiful shoreline around Trinidad!
Next week’s cleanup is at the Herrick Ave Park and Ride