
Pacout Green Team / Post Cleanup Reports  / 10/22/22 – Post Cleanup Report – Eureka Waterfront Trail

10/22/22 – Post Cleanup Report – Eureka Waterfront Trail

Last Saturday we teamed up with the Humboldt Trail Stewards. Humboldt Trail Stewards focused on pulling evasive species and we focused on the garbage in that area. Between both our organizations we filled the dumpster in 60 minutes! Lots of pampas grass was removed. Humboldt Trail Stewards even brought out a bobcat to pull the larger pampas grass clusters. We didn’t locate any large piles of trash, but we removed lots of little pieces of trash. We found lots of evidence of possible theft (product tags, hangers, wrappers, etc.) littered in the bushes between Walmart and the Eureka Waterfront Trail. We picked up a lot of it. Thank you to everyone that showed up! Remember if you show up to 10 or more cleanups you can earn you very own  PacOut Green Team vest and your first “10 Cleanups” patch, and you can win a raffle prize at the end! 

This week is our Saturday Halloween cleanup in McKinleyville. Bring your costume for this special 90 minute cleanup. Best costume will get a prize!

  • Volunteers: 18
  • Weight: 600 lbs, 2 plastic Pepsi pallets, lots of little trash, and more!
  • Time: 60 minutes
  • In collaboration with Humboldt Trail Stewards

This Weeks Raffle Winners

Los Bagel Gift Card!

Six Rivers Brewery Gift Card!