
Pacout Green Team / Post Cleanup Reports  / 12/10/22 – Post Cleanup Report – Samoa Bridges Launch Facility – EUREKA,CA

12/10/22 – Post Cleanup Report – Samoa Bridges Launch Facility – EUREKA,CA

Cleanup Details: Small turnout today. We think the weather reports scared people off. However, in Green Team fashion, the weather held out and it was a beautiful day for a cleanup. We focused on under the bridge and the wetland behind Aegis. We pulled out lots of garbage from large puddles in the wetlands behind Aegis. It looks a lot cleaner now. Kudos to the community peeps that are keeping the boat launch parking lot clean and clear of trash. It’s very noticeable! Thank you for the dumpster City of Eureka and thank you for all your help with your side-by-side and trailer EPD CSET Team!

  • Volunteers: 10
  • Weight:  600 lbs (estimated weight) – 1 bike frame, discarded household items, lots of cigarette butts, and more! 
  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Cleanup Collaborators: Eureka Police Department CSET Team

Cleanup Location: