3/18/23 – Post Cleanup Report – Herrick Park N Ride – South Eureka Waterfront Trail
March 22, 2023
Cleanup Details: Lots of little litter picked up around the Park N Ride. We also found several signs of illegal dumping around the Park N Ride. Most of the trash picked up along the South Eureka Waterfront trail was homeless related abandoned trash. There were several “live” camps there. We handed out resource cards to them and empty trash bags for them to fill up. Other than that we don’t mess with belongings tied to “live” camps.
- Volunteers: 22
- Weight: 340 lbs (estimated weight) – Lots litter, pallets, illegal dumping trash, homeless trash, cigarette butts, and more!
- Time: 60 minutes
- Raffle Winners: 3
- Sponsors: STIL