5/13/23 – Post Cleanup Report – HWY 255 – Adopt A Highway
May 16, 2023
Cleanup Details: We had a great turnout for this cleanup. This is our Adopt-A-Highway section of the HWY. We chose this section because it’s very important to prevent this litter from entering the bay and going out to the ocean. Lots of garbage tends to gather in between the three bridges. We found a couple abandoned homeless camps and lots of litter thrown out by cars passing by. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped us keep these islands litter free.
- Volunteers: 23
- Weight: 800 lbs (estimated weight) – 1 stroller, 2 large bags of cannabis trim, dozens of small cheap Rootbeer flavored liquor bottles, and more!
- Time: 60 minutes
- Raffle Winners: 3
- Sponsors: Los Bagels & Pacific Outfitters