1/27/18 POST CLEANUP Report Shakota Trail South Overlook
Love this accidental terrarium that Bonnie found!
Well I have to say, as wet as it was it still wasn’t rainy. And as wet as it was we still had 15 people show up and 5 of our newest member dove in joined the fight. Today’s haul netted 520 lbs of trash and 10 tires!
Little known fact, it takes 1-2 people a lot of sweat and frustration to haul each tire back up the side of a hill because instead of dumping them at Solid Waste Systems at the south end of town some people feel its just as good to toss them out in our beautiful outdoor spaces. Do you know what is costs to properly dump a tire? $5.85 with a rim or $3.75 without a rim. If its that cheap why would anybody rather trash our outdoor spaces? Maybe knowing is half the battle so now you know, spread the word and stop this waste.
The return to the overlook at Lake Mendocino was amazing. I just couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. The folks at the lake have been VERY busy clearing brush, cutting trees and making some remarkable improvements to the area that really open it up and just made it look and feel like a wonderful place to visit. If you haven’t been there recently go take a look! Lucky for us to get in there after the clearing because it revealed to us an unbelievable amount of old beer bottles and tires that were all hidden under the brush and all needed to be gathered up and recycled.
With as beautiful as it is now, does anyone know someone who can help to get rid of the graffiti up there? The rocks are covered and its the last little touch of beautification needed to really make that place pop! If you do, reach out to me (Chris Ostrom @ Pacific Outfitters) and lets see what we can do about this. We would all love to see that “trash” removed as well!
Lastly we want to give a huge thanks to our Second District Supervisor John McCowen for personally donating $500 and becoming a Greenest level sponsor! Just amazing! This non-profit does require a bit of funding to maintain so if you know of anyone interested in sponsoring then be sure to send them here