2/12/22 – Post Cleanup Report – ARCATA – South G Street/Arcata Marsh
February 12, 2022
Thank you to everyone that showed up! Lots of random garbage picked up today! South G Street is looking much better now. Thanks you City of Arcata for letting us dump our garbage in your corp yard.
- Volunteers: 51
- Weight: 870 lbs, 3 pallets, lots of scrap metal, cigarette butts, and more!
- Time: 60 minutes
- Sponsors: Fatbol Clothing
Join us this Saturday in Arcata just off Giuntoli at Carlson Park for another 60 minute cleanup! We will focus on the We will focus on the forest, trails and the banks of the Mad River. Details can be found on our Events/Calendar page.
Fatbol Apparel!
Fatbol Apparel!
Edward Jones Hat!
VisitRedwoods.com Shirt!
VisitRedwoods.com Shirt!
Fatbol Apparel!
[vc_custom_heading custom_heading_style=”style-1″ text=”We can’t do this without the support from our local sponsors, cleanup collaborators and volunteers! Please SUPPORT the businesses/organizations/people that support keeping our beautiful outdoor spaces garbage and litter free!” google_fonts=”font_family:Cabin%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C500%2C500italic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_separator][vc_cta h2=”Hey! Want to participate at one of our cleanups?”]VOLUNTEER: We host cleanups every Saturday. Click Here for our Event Calendar.
BECOME A SPONSOR: Click Here for Sponsorship levels.[/vc_cta]